it's sad to remember those days . and it's sad to see that after 18 years , romania is the way it is .
life goes on and today we're busy running like crazy to buy things that we don't really need in order to show ourselves and others how happy we are .
if you want to find out more about this , read the article here
This is a beautiful, inspiring picture. I am not well educated on recent Romanian events but I gather you are disappointed by what has happened since the revolution. Thanks for the link, which will help me understand better.
I remember seeing the events unfolding on T.V here in the U.K. Its an important part of world history.
That is a remarkable photo! I am impressed with the crowd and the focal point in the foreground. Great job!!
Nice photo shot. Thanks for sharing and for the link on the history of Romania.
The hand is so artistic, projecting into the expanse of the crowd
I remember when I was in Romania in the early 90s being really sad that people seemed to be aspiring to the West and the trappings of capitalism like it was the only 'proper' way to live. Of course it's great that Ceausescu has gone, but absence of a dictator doesn't necessarily mean that everything suddenly becomes great.
Having said that, as an outsider I find so much to love about your country as well. I know (very well!) it's not perfect, but there is a lot to love there too. Your blog reminds me of that every day - thanks :)
I remember when this happened as well. All the best to your country's future.
Ro, thank you for the past year, for sharing over the months about Romanian history, and architecture, and events, it is much appreciated. I send you the best wishes for the holiday season and that it is a time of serenity amid the seasonal activities.
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