Tuesday, April 15, 2008


the ceiling of a shopping mall and a detail of the pavement representing their logo .


Anonymous said...

I love that ceiling - I'd never have believed it was in a shopping mall!m

Olivier said...

superbe, on dirait une énorme toile d'araignée.
Beautiful, it looks like a huge spider's web.

Kris McCracken said...

Was it always a shopping mall or had it had a previous life as something more exotic?

Anonymous said...

Nu ai mai ras de mult, simti nevoia sa mai iesi din casa sau pur si simplu vrei sa vezi un spectacol de comedie?

Trupa ShowTime iti propune un altfel de spectacol. Hai si tu cu prietenii tai sambata de la ora 20, in Club Scena din Brasov, sa vezi un show cu mult umor, fara inhibitii, fara cenzura in care lucrurile se spun "pe bune"

Prezentarea video o gasiti pe http://neuronu.ro/promo/prezentarea-trupei-showtim..

Ne vedem acolo!