Sunday, March 9, 2008


this was the second mall . it think it was open in 2006 . it's easy to see the name but it's not macro at all , it's quite medium-small ... hahaha

and it's full of kitsch ... egyptian style . but "the mall" concept is kitsch in itself, so , at least is clean , colorful , fun ...hahaha...

yesterday i've been there for the third time .


Kim said...

Ro, That's a nicely designed mall entry! I love your colorful shot of it. Is that a stylized triceratops out front? What's up with that?
Seattle Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

how come there were not many people around?

alicesg said...

It is indeed clean and colourful. Hope you have a fun time shopping.

ro_pumpkin said...

actually the picture was taken some time ago , on a monday morning , that's why is so empty . about the dinosaur in front , they have a big , jurassic park playground inside and maybe this one is extra , i don't know ...