Friday, February 1, 2008

a different view

people are running around everyday . in a hurry . very busy . most of the time they don't have time to look at the city , the streets , the buildings . and in this country they don't respect anything. not themselves , not the others , not the work , not the city , not the nature .
what is nice about brasov is that you can find a lot of different points of view on the hills around the city and from a distance brasov looks nice .
this is from the citadel hill . and the dog was barking like crazy , taking his job seriously .


Anonymous said...

Oh lovely view. I remember Cluj has a similar view from the hills and looks good from a distance.

alicesg said...

Nice background view. Very true, we need to stop and take time to look around us. Since blogging, I have been stopping to look and find out more about the things around me and I enjoyed it. :)

marley said...

I think what you have said is true of many towns and cities all around the world, unfortunatly.

Glad the dog was doing his job!

CC said...

Your photos are lovely, and this scene is so picture postcard's just wonderful. I really like your blog.
Cizzie..aka CC