Tuesday, February 26, 2008


last sunday we went for a ride . just driving . the weather was great , very bright sunshine , warm , still some snow for contrast , loud music (well , not that loud , don't worry) ...
we headed for the mountains to admire some amazing scenery .
we didn't go very far , less than 100 km away and we only stop 3 times but just to see views like this changes your perspective .
almost all of the pictures are taken from the moving car so the quality is not great , no depth of field , still you can see some beautiful landscape .

in the first pic you can see the fortress of râşnov , a small town some 20 km from brasov with the bucegi mountains in the background .
in the second one , a better view of the bucegi mountains shining in the sun , but some haze and the moving car are in the way of taking a good picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that second photo. You've got some great countryside round your way!